Wednesday, October 1, 2008

About Joe Takash: A Testimonial

I've known Joe Takash since 2001, when a business column ("A Kick in the Attitude") that he wrote caught my eye because it was so on-target and engagingly written.

Since then, we've become close friends---a term I don't use lightly or often with people in my life.

One of the remarkable facets about Joe is his ability to develop lasting, meaningful friendships with truly staggering numbers of people. He's a quality AND quantity man in this respect, and that fact offers a glimpse at his genuine love for others and desire to add value to their lives.

On a business note, I have had the privilege of apprenticing under Joe as he's led presentation skills workshops for Turner Construction. In addition, I have provided writing and public relations services for Joe, and he's a true joy to work with because he is so open to candid, constructive feedback.

Joe has been one of my most valuable mentors, spanning a wide spectrum of business and relationship themes. They include presentation skills, insights into how to structure daylong training sessions, negotiation skills, defusing tense situations, and cultivating relationships with humor and authenticity.

Probably more than any other individual, Joe has helped me recognize the biggest obstacle in my business growth--my own self-doubts, particulary about the market value of my services. His belief in my abilities single-handedly prompted me to increase my speaking fees, putting thousands of additional dollars into my bank account on an annual basis.

Joe and his lovely wife, Sarah, are outrageously gracious and generous, whether it's throwing parties that often raise money for charitable causes or inviting the Baron Brood to join them and their children for Halloween Trick-or-Treating.

I don't know for certain if Joe helps walk elderly ladies across the street, but if he does, he not only knows their names, but how to spell them, by the time they get to the other side.

I realize this recommendation may seem over-the-top. I mean, c'mon, this guy sounds too good to be true! So let me close on a down-to-earth note: early in our friendship, I rather convincingly defeated Joe in an epic 1-on-1 basketball battle.

His dad, one of the many amazing people who have profoundly touched Joe's life, is a witness.

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